Forging a Better Way (Part 2)
I have just returned from my two-week trip to the UK and am finally getting a moment to reflect on the trip and write some impressions. As you have seen from part one, one of my main reasons for traveling to the UK was to attend the Better Way Conference in Bath.
The experience was overwhelming, and it is taking me time to parse through all the wonderful conversations that took place there. These conversations include both the official ‘Conversations’ that were the main presentations of the conference, as well as the personal conversations I had with some of the attendees.
First of all, I would like to explain a bit about what the Better Way Conference is all about.
Better Way Conference is presented by the World Council for Health. Their Mission Statement is as follows:
The World Council for Health is a non-profit initiative for the people, that is informed and funded by the people. Our global coalition of health-focused initiatives and civil society groups seeks to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. We are dedicated to safeguarding human rights and free will while empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing.
The seven principles of the organization and the conference are as follows:
We act in honour and do no harm.
We do our best to live by this law and enact the principles within this charter by it.
We are free beings with free will.
We take responsibility for, and control of, our lives, our choices, and our health.
We are part of nature.
We recognize that the well-being of people and planet are interdependent, and we nurture both in equal measure.
Spirituality is integral to our well-being.
People are spiritual and we thrive when life has conscious meaning and higher purpose.
We thrive together.
We are inclusive and value our diverse integrated, and collaborative community.
We value different perspectives.
We celebrate respectful discussion as the means to ever more refined knowledge, compassion, and wisdom.
We use technology with discernment.
We recognize technology used respectfully will enhance learning and wisdom to benefit people and planet.
In addition:
With courage, we do not tolerate:
1. The violation of people’s inalienable rights and freedoms
2. Profit, power, and influence coming before the well-being of people and planet.
I am thrilled to have taken the opportunity to attend such a wonderful event, to commune with so many interesting people of like mind, to discuss what we have observed over the past three years, and formulate ways in which the world can successfully overcome and move forward from the devastation that has been inflicted upon the people of this planet—all in the name of power and control.
The people of this planet, and particularly in western countries, have been led down the garden path, influenced by fear and propaganda which have been coordinated on a global scale never before seen. And the very sad part of the equation is that much of the population has not yet awakened as to what has really happened and is continuing to happen.
Many look at recent events and headlines and inherently know that something is wrong, but they have not quite put their finger on it. Others may be experiencing cognitive dissonance, wanting to believe the world is one way, but starting to see signs to the contrary, yet not accepting it.
In brief discussions I have had with friends in the recent past, they have asked “why would you want to believe such things?” It is not a matter of want. It either exists or it doesn’t. And when such overwhelming evidence points in a certain direction, it is foolish to pretend otherwise.
Every human being is on their own path in this journey. Each will awaken to the realities of what is happening, in their own way and in their own time. But awaken we must.
While attending the conference, what I treasure most is the wonderful conversations I have had with other attendees. I am also grateful that I have had the opportunity to personally thank the strong people that have stood up on a very unwelcoming public stage during the COVID-19 pandemic, speaking their truth, helping their patients, and attempting to make a positive difference in people’s lives, despite the adversity and pushback from a system of deception, greed, and power.

On Thursday evening I attended the gala dinner which honored the contributions of three very fine people. The first is Vera Sharav, one of the few remaining holocaust survivors, founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, and an activist against some practices of the biomedical industry, particularly in matters of patient consent and children.
The other two were Doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, both of whom were instrumental in discovering and implementing off label treatments of such drugs as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, and Hydroxychloroquine in fighting COVID-19 and ultimately founding the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), saving thousands of lives in the process.

I was fortunate to be able to speak briefly to both of these gentlemen, thanking them for their tremendous contribution and courage throughout the pandemic and beyond. From the beginning I have seen Ivermectin as a smoking gun. So many prominent doctors have found it effective in the treatment of COVID-19, yet on the other hand we have seen the drug dismissed as dangerous and a horse medicine.
The truth about Ivermectin is that it has been one of the safest human drugs ever discovered and was administered almost four billion times to humans, pre-pandemic, as an effective treatment for river blindness and parasites. It is such a remarkable drug that its discoverer Satoshi Ōmura, and collaborator William Campbell, received the 2014 Gairdner Global Health Award and the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for its discovery and development as a therapeutic.
During COVID-19, Ivermectin has been maligned, made unavailable, had a major propaganda campaign created against it, and many doctors promoting or prescribing it have lost their jobs because of it. Doctors have always been free to consult with their patients and administer drugs they feel that will be beneficial, without interference from ‘the system’. Why has this changed? Why don’t more people see this interference as a problem? Why can’t Ivermectin be administered for COVID-19 regardless of how effective it is, if the parties involved agree it is worth a shot? Could it be that Ivermectin is now out of patent, can be produced for pennies, and that no money can be made from it by the pharmaceutical industry? Could it be that Emergency Use Authorization can only be granted for drugs (vaccines) if there is no other effective alternative treatment, so Ivermectin would stand in the way of such an EUA? Certainly, questions to ponder.
There are a number of doctors and scientists I have been following over the past three years, two of which having been Dr Pierre Kory, mentioned above, and Dr Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist who, along with his wife Heather Heying, present the Darkhorse Podcast on YouTube, Odysee, and Rumble. Bret presented at the 2022 version of the Better Way Conference. Today I listened to a tremendous conversation between Pierre and Bret which touched on many important subjects such as Ivermectin, COVID-19, the corruption of big pharma, the capture of governmental agencies, and medicine in general.
This conversation relates directly as to why the World Council for Health exists and why so many doctors, scientists, and others are seeking a better way. I encourage you to listen to this podcast in its entirety. It will give you tremendous insights as to what has happened over the past three years and why we have to find a Better Way.
The podcast can be found on YouTube at the following link:
The War on Ivermectin: Bret Speaks with Pierre Kory on the Darkhorse Podcast
Or on Rumble:
The War on Ivermectin: Bret Speaks with Pierre Kory on the Darkhorse Podcast